Increase your vit D to reduce COVID -19 risk 


   Vitamin  d is a key nutrient for healthy gums and teeth .  It is also import for supporting the immune system. Vitamin D helps reduce the risk of colds , flu and respiratory infections. 


   Recent studies have shown the importance of proper vit D levels to prevent complications from COVID 19.  People who were deficient in vit d (less than 20 ng/ml) were at higher risk of contracting COVID 19.  They also had more Severe cases of Covid with infection. 


People who had higher vit d levels recovered from Covid 19 with minor symptoms. 

    Vit  D is synthesized in our bodies from exposure to ultraviolet B rays. It is found in oily fish like salmon ,sardines , anchovy eggs and red meat.  


It is said that half of Americans are deficient in vitamin D.  Individuals at risk for deficiency are nursing home residents people who work indoors . People who live higher in the north, people with dark skin. 


It’s a good idea to have our vit d levels checked and take a supplement if needed.  


It is so important for our immune health. 


A healthy vitamin D level is  40 to 60 ng/ml


Did you know that having gum disease is hazardous to your health?


Gum disease is an infection that causes inflammation in your gums and bone that supports your teeth. The infection is caused by certain bacteria that live in your mouth in what is called biofilm attached to our teeth.


If the infection is in our gums it is called gingivitis, and is reversible. When the infection spreads into our jawbone it is called periodontitis. At this stage it is no longer reversible, and must be managed to keep the disease in check and it can lead to tooth loss. If these infections in the mouth become chronic they can do damage to the body over time. These disease-causing bacteria of the mouth travel through the bloodstream and contribute to high blood pressure, heart disease, diabetes, emphysema, arthritis, obesity, strokes, and Alzheimer's disease.


The good news is that you have the power to prevent and reverse gum disease and other associated chronic diseases.  Here are two simple ways to stay healthy:

1. Brush between teeth two times a day. Use a waterpik daily to stimulate gums, and clean away bacteria from gum pockets. 

2. Have your teeth professionally cleaned by your dental hygienist every 6 months for a healthy mouth, or every three or four months if you have active gum disease.


The reason is because plaque biofilm forms on our teeth daily and eventually gets hardened onto our teeth like a barnacle. This hardened plaque is called calculus, or tartar. It promotes even more inflammation in the body, and will accelerate the destruction of gum tissue and surrounding bone. 
Calculus can only be removed by a professional cleaning with special instruments.
Your hygienist will also teach you valuable lifestyle and diet changes to aid in the healing of your gums. So please visit your dentist regularly. You can't have a healthy body without a healthy mouth!